Then the migraine hit. I wasn't worried at first. I often wake up fuzzy-headed but like Quinn said of the sharks in Jaws, "Sometimes they go away, sometimes they don't go away." Well, this one turned out to be a predator and it was bent on biting the legs off my novel just before the finish line. I scraped together a few hundred words during the day, took groggy, lurching breaks to throw in the damn laundry and let the roofers in the finish insulating a skylight they removed...a month ago. No video games. Couldn't keep my head up for that. But by evening the Migraine Shark got bored with my antics and I was able to finish and send it in for validation. Only afterwards did I realize I had moved around two scenes twice meaning I had double scenes. Got rid of those then banged out another 1000 words in an hour to FINALLY validate a correct chunk of novel. Don't know if it mattered to anyone else, but getting it right mattered to me, even if I screwed something up.
My novel, however, is not finished. I've got about10-15 more scenes, maybe another 100 pages to go before I rip into it with my editorial weed whacker. I actually enjoy rewriting though. I'm setting my next goal at finishing the first draft by Christmas then the re-write by my birthday on Jan 27. The 28th will see me sending it out. Here's hoping. Write on.